Mac Os X For Beginners

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  • This is a follow up video to my Mac OSX for beginners video showing you some problems you could run into during the way and hopefully i can resolve some of t.
  • Mac OS X Guide Screensaver Password Protection. If you keep your Mac in a public place like an office or a university, you should definitely add a password to your screensaver. It only takes a minute! Let us help you! We have all the articles you need to understand your Mac. Explore our article archive!

OS X (pro­nounced ‘ ten’) Yosemite to be pre­cise. This guide is for the Mac begin­ner. This guide is for the Mac begin­ner. It is about help­ing you under­stand the basics of the user. Best-selling author Wallace Wang teaches you how to use El Capitan, the latest version of the Mac operating system, in everyday situations. This book shows you, the beginner Mac user, how to get up and running, operate, and work day-to-day on your Mac. You will learn how to run applications, manage. With just a click or a tap, you can extend your Mac desktop using your iPad, effortlessly share files with friends, and more. Learn how to use your Mac and devices together. To browse the macOS User Guide, click Table of Contents at the top of the page. If you need more help, visit the macOS Support website. MacOS User Guide.

Hel­lo there, new Mac own­er. Con­grat­u­la­tions for pick­ing up a new Mac and mov­ing away from the Microsoft uni­verse. It’s good to have you here. But you’re here because you’re hav­ing trou­ble adjust­ing to the new sur­round­ings. Mov­ing from Win­dows to a Mac is like mov­ing to a new coun­try. You don’t just take a flight and set­tle down in the unknown ter­ri­to­ry. You first do your research, get an idea of what to expect and how things work and then start on your journey.

Think of this as your trav­el guide to Mac. OS X (pro­nounced ‘ten’) Yosemite to be pre­cise. This guide is for the Mac begin­ner. It is about help­ing you under­stand the basics of the user inter­face and using it effi­cient­ly. We’ll show you how to nav­i­gate the OX inter­face, how to use the built-in apps, how to back up and man­age your data and give you tips on doing things bet­ter all along.

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Mac os x for beginners tutorial
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What You Will Learn in This Book

Here are the table of contents of this eBook.

Get­ting to Know the OS X User Interface

Why does the Mac desk­top look so dif­fer­ent? How to use the Apple menu and the oth­er menus? What about the Dock, User Accounts and oth­er basic but impor­tant fea­tures that every Mac user should know about? This sec­tion explores all of that in great detail.

How Find­er, File Man­age­ment, Tags and Spot­light Search Work

When switch­ing from Win­dows to Mac, file man­age­ment is going to be the biggest change and while it might seem alien at first, it’s actu­al­ly for the bet­ter. This chap­ter tells you almost every­thing you need to know about man­ag­ing files on your Mac like a pro.

21 Things Every New Mac User Should Know

Did you know click­ing the close (X) but­ton on the top-right of a win­dow in an app on Mac does not actu­al­ly close it? Did you know your Mac’s hard disk is not par­ti­tioned? We tell you more about these, and 21 oth­er impor­tant facts every Mac user should know.

How to Get the Most out of Mac’s Built-in Apps

Learn how to mas­ter the main default apps for music, pho­tos etc that are already there on your Mac. These are some of the apps you will end up using every day, so it will help you to know your way around them.

Key­board Short­cuts, Track­pad Ges­tures and Solv­ing the Win­dow Man­age­ment Prob­lem in OS X

In this chap­ter, you’ll learn about the impor­tant key­board short­cuts and ges­tures that you should know to do things real­ly fast on Mac OS X Yosemite. You’ll also learn how to man­age mul­ti­ple win­dows eas­i­ly and get work done productively.

How to Back­up Your Mac and Keep It Secure

The last (but not the least) chap­ter talks about back­ing up your Mac and keep­ing it secure. There are very few oth­er things in life that hurt more than data loss. While we can only hope that those oth­er things don’t hurt you, we cer­tain­ly can ensure that your data is on your Mac is always safe­ly backed up.

From Mac Beginner to a Mac Pro

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Mac Os X For Beginners Tutorial

The Guid­ing Tech (GT) team com­pris­es of expe­ri­enced experts who make a liv­ing tin­ker­ing with tech all day. Be it soft­ware or hard­ware, we’re pas­sion­ate geeks with an eye for detail that helps us uncov­er hid­den fea­tures and tips that an aver­age user is unlike­ly to come across. Our arti­cles have been linked to by top sites like CNET and WIRED, and have been fea­tured at the likes of The Busi­ness Insider.

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